The uPVC Casement Door – A trend!

Oh, you know what is all the rage these days? UPVC doors (or PVC, if you prefer), can you believe it? These doors are just so popular because, apparently, they are environment-friendly, more durable, and require almost no maintenance.

But wait, it gets better! Let me introduce you to the beloved upvc casement door! It’s like the rockstar of doors, totally gaining traction, you know? Everyone is just falling head over heels for it.  A recent survey found that 60% of homeowners from urban India who are planning to replace their doors are considering UPVC casement doors. But, why? What is special about it?

What are uPVC Casement Doors?

UPVC stands for Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride and UPVC doors more strong, more durable, weather-resistant, and easy to clean.

These doors typically have at least two hinges along the edge, allowing them to open inwards or outwards. Most people prefer the outward opening option. Hence, to prevent the door from slamming shut during windy weather, a friction hinge is used. Casement doors comprise durable frames, glass, and a modern look, and come in various colors and finishes, making them highly adaptable to contemporary homes.

Advantages of upvc casement door

Now take a look at the benefits of having pvc doors at the entry point of your office or home.

  • Customization: These are customizable doors with various options for handles, hinges, glass, and letterplates, enabling homeowners to match their style and preferences.
  • Security Features: PVC doors come with multi-point locking systems which make them highly secure and provide peace of mind to homeowners.
  • Low Maintenance: Unlike traditional wooden doors, Polyvinyl doors require minimal maintenance. Hence, they are resistant to rot, fading, and warping too.
  • Environmental Benefits: UPVC can be recycled which reduces environmental impact, unlike traditional wood doors.
  • Patio Doors: You can also install unplasticized casement doors as patio doors that connect indoor with outdoor visuals.

uPVC doors Vs traditional doors

For your better understanding, here is a table that summarizes the key differences between upvc casement door and traditional door.

FeaturePVC Casement DoorTraditional Door
MaterialUPVCVarious materials, Iron, Steel, wood,
DurabilityVery durableDurable with proper maintenance
MaintenanceLow-maintenanceRequires regular painting or staining
Energy efficiencyExcellent insulatorGood-insulator if made with expensive solid wood
Cost-effectivenessCost-effectiveMore expensive than casement doors
AppearanceModern and sleekClassic and traditional
SoundproofingGood soundproofingSoundproofing if made with costly solid wood
Environmental impactLeast environmental impactHigher environmental impact

Final thoughts

In conclusion, UPVC casement doors are a popular choice for homeowners due to their durability, low maintenance, energy efficiency, and modern appearance. Undoubtedly, with their numerous advantages and growing popularity, uPVC casement doors are indeed a smart and stylish investment for any modern home or office.

What are you waiting for? Upgrade to Green Line Windows UPVC casement door for a durable, Eco-friendly, and stylish entrance today! Don’t worry. Green Line Windows can customize your requirements and they have that technical and designing expertise.

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