Best Cataract Treatment in Delhi/NCR

A cataract is a common eye problem occurring in people of older age. It affects the lens of the eyes making vision blurry or hazy. It is basically the clouding of the normal lens of the eye that makes it difficult for people to read, write, drive a car, or even perform day-to-day activities. People see when light passes through a lens that is behind the iris and the lens focuses the light so that the eye and brain process information into a picture.

However, when a cataract develops over the lens, the eye is not able to focus light in the same way, thereby leading to blurry vision. Cataracts start developing in people after the age of 40 years but it doesn’t affect eyesight early on but with time it eventually starts interfering with vision and becomes a prominent eye problem in people after 60 years of age. People suffering from cataracts need to consult an experienced eye doctor or surgeon to get the best treatment. Atul Kumar Institute of Ophthalmology or AKIO is a leading eye centre in Delhi offering excellent treatment for cataracts and other eye problems.

Causes of Cataracts

A cataract is usually caused due to aging but it may also occur because of radiation exposure or trauma. A cataract is mainly caused due to aging because the normal eye starts changing after the age of 40 years. The lens of the eye is usually made of water and proteins and when proteins break down they remain in the eyes making the lens cloudy. With age, people notice clouding on their lenses that affect their normal vision. Age-related cataracts usually develop gradually and they develop quickly in diabetic patients. Some of the other major causes of cataracts include:

  • Use of steroids or other common medications used in the treatment of arthritis and lupus.
  • Phenothiazine drugs like chlorpromazine treat conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
  • Eye surgery or eye injuries
  • Smoking
  • Family history of cataract
  • Radiation treatment, especially in the upper body
  • Spending time in the sun without sunglasses or hats

Symptoms of Cataracts

To ensure the optimum health of their eyes people need to be aware of the cataract symptoms, so that on experiencing any of these symptoms they quickly take action and visit the best hospital in Delhi-NCR for cataract treatment. Symptoms of cataracts include:

  • Blurred or clouded vision
  • Eye colors become yellow or faded
  • Find difficulty with vision at night
  • Sensitivity to bright light
  • Noticing “halos” around lights
  • Frequent changes in prescription eyeglasses
  • Double vision in an eye

Types of Cataracts

Cataract affects the lens of the eyes and makes the vision blur or cloudy. It develops because of natural changes in the lens of the eye. Irrespective of the type of cataract one is experiencing one should consult with the best cataract surgeon in the Delhi-NCR Based on the anatomy of the human lens, there are three types of cataracts:

Nuclear Sclerotic: This type of cataract occurs gradually over the years resulting in the yellowing and hardening of the crystalline lens. Due to the hardening of the lens, refractive power increases causing nearsightedness. This type of cataract may also make colors less vibrant, though the change is gradual.

Cortical cataract: This type of cataract develops in the cortex or the shell layer of the lens and gradually extends its effects from the outside of the lens to the center. As a result, the light that enters the eye gets scattered creating problems like glare, blurred vision, and depth perception. Diabetic patients are at higher risk for developing this type of cataract.

Posterior Subcapsular Cataracts: This type of cataract starts as a small cloudy area on the posterior or back surface of the lens. This cataract has been named subcapsular because it develops beneath the lens capsule that encloses the lens and holds it in place. Patients suffering from this type of cataracts find difficulty in reading and also experience halo effects and glare around lights. This cataract occurs in people who are diabetic, use steroids, or have extreme nearsightedness. It develops rapidly and even its symptoms are quickly visible.

Types of Cataract Surgery

Two types of surgeries are done to remove cataracts:

Phacoemulsification cataract surgery: Phacoemulsification or small-incision cataract surgery is performed by making a small incision into the eye to reach the clouded lens. Performed using a laser or high-frequency sound waves, the best cataract surgeon of Delhi-NCR breaks the lens into pieces that are suctioned out by the surgeons and replaced with a new plastic lens.  

Extracapsular cataract surgery: Extracapsular cataract surgery is performed by the best cataract surgeon in case of advanced cataracts. Since advanced cataract is too dense to break apart easily so phacoemulsification cataract surgery is not a good option. Thus cataract surgeons opt for extracapsular cataract surgery which is performed by making a large incision in the eye to remove the lens in one piece and in its place a new lens is inserted.

Precaution after Cataract Surgery

People after having cataract surgery in Delhi’s best eye hospital need to take some precautions because this will speed up their recovery and will ensure the best result of the surgery. Some of the precautions that people are normally advised by the best cataract surgeon include:

  • Don’t touch the eyes and are advised to wear an eye guard while healing.
  • Use the doctor-prescribed eye drops in the eyes for the first week or potentially longer to reduce the risk of infection or inflammation.
  • Avoid sports and intense physical labour for weeks or months as suggested by the doctor.
  • Normal day-to-day activities can be resumed after a few days of the cataract surgery
  • Visit a cataract surgeon for several follow-up appointments.

Why choose AKIO for cataract treatment in Delhi-NCR?

With several renowned eye clinics operational in Delhi-NCR, people are often seen confused while selecting an eye hospital for cataract treatment. However, people looking for the best cataract treatment can pay a visit to Atul Kumar Institute of Ophthalmology or AKIO is a leading eye clinic in India offering complete eye care services to patients. Based in the capital city, New Delhi, this eye clinic is trusted for its quality eye care.

  • Cataract surgery performed by an internationally acclaimed surgeon
  • Providing the latest technology-based cataract surgery performed by one of the top 10 eye surgeons in India.
  • Have a patient-first approach and vouch to provide the best experience with a healing touch.
  • AKIO is considered the best eye hospital for cataract surgery in Delhi-NCR
  • Operated upon the most critical cataract surgery with success

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